Tuesday 26 January 2021


By Perekeme Odon


The Directors’ Guild of Nigeria (DGN) general election, which was due to be held on Friday, January 29 2021, has been postponed.


In a statement released on Saturday, January 23 2021, the Directors’ Guild of Nigeria Electoral Committee (DGNEC) Chairman Barrister Tunji Bamishigbin, informed the Guild the postponement of the election to the first week in March 2021 due to concern outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the burial of Chico Ejiro and other logistical complications.


1. Draft a new timetable for the election and post same here on the platform.


2. Present the list of screened candidates and positions.


3. Publish list of voting members.


4. Present the modalities for the upcoming Presidential debate, Manifestos presentation and question(s) that you may wish to send to us for possible consideration at the debate.


The notice conversed by the DGN Electoral Committee (DGNEC) escalated internal anxiety amid an already tense political environment. Despite the tensions caused by the delay, the electoral committee now has the opportunity to rectify flaws and deliver a more credible election.


All candidates who had been duly screened in the first round of nominations will remain part of the pool of candidates eligible for election.


The DGNEC also advised members with suggestions or appeal(s) to kindly write to them via its official email address, dgnec2020@gmail.com.


The committee thanked the members and urged them to be confident in the coming days ahead; and promised a very credible election everyone shall be proud of.


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